Your'e Not Alone

I was not the popular girl in school. I had curly hair, pale skin, and wore glasses. I was bullied throughout grade school and some parts of high school. It started when i was in the first grade when an older kid grabbed me by the wrist. I was embarrassed and wanted to go hide somewhere. What stung was that it happened in a room full of people who had witnessed the incident and chose not to do anything. I didn't tell my mom. I just wanted the day to be over. The bullying continued in grade school by a group of boys who made me their target. They would mock me, laugh at me, scream at me to get out of the way, threaten to break my glasses, and spread a nasty rumor about me.

That was the beginning of me faking stomach aches so I could stay home from school. I saw the weekends as a vacation from school. I did not like myself. I lost my identity. I felt i had no voice and that what the bullies said was true. When I was in the sixth grade, i was waiting outside for my mom to pick me up when a kid tried to take my bag pack. I grabbed it out of his hands and that's when he slapped me on the side of my neck. Thankfully my mom showed up and we went to the principals office. I felt violated and fearful for my life. High school was even a harder time because once again i was the new kid in school. I struggled with making friends and trying to fit in. A couple of my classmates thought they were better than everyone else which made me want to distance myself from them. One of them shared a class with me and he thought it would be funny to make fun of one of my personality traits. I've always been shy. When the bullying continued, the shyness grew. This person didn't know me and didn't care that i had moved to this school, but he thought he knew me well enough to make fun of me. One day during class he said, "Oh I'll just speak for you." He made me feel bad for being myself, which happens alot in these bullying situations. I would be teased by the other kids which made me go speak to the principal and counselor. One didn't believe me, and the other told me i didn't have to be afraid of the bully. I felt alone and helpless. I thought I would be protected by the school educators.  Now that I'm 27, I've tried to put all the painful memories away. I'll be honest, it still affects me today. Sometimes i have a hard time walking in front of a group of people because I'm worried they'll make fun of me.

To those who are currently being bullied, or have been bullied, know that you're not alone in this. I can feel and see your pain by reading online and watching the news. I am on your side. Together, we can end bullying. I'll be your friend, and I'm here to listen. You are not what the bullies say. You are special and unique. You have a voice that deserves to be heard. Don't change who you are.

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Your'e Not Alone

I was not the popular girl in school. I had curly hair, pale skin, and wore glasses. I was bullied throughout grade school and some parts of high school. It started when i was in the first grade when an older kid grabbed me by the wrist. I was embarrassed and wanted to go hide somewhere. What stung was that it happened in a room full of people who had witnessed the incident and chose not to do anything. I didn't tell my mom. I just wanted the day to be over. The bullying continued in grade school by a group of boys who made me their target. They would mock me, laugh at me, scream at me to get out of the way, threaten to break my glasses, and spread a nasty rumor about me.

That was the beginning of me faking stomach aches so I could stay home from school. I saw the weekends as a vacation from school. I did not like myself. I lost my identity. I felt i had no voice and that what the bullies said was true. When I was in the sixth grade, i was waiting outside for my mom to pick me up when a kid tried to take my bag pack. I grabbed it out of his hands and that's when he slapped me on the side of my neck. Thankfully my mom showed up and we went to the principals office. I felt violated and fearful for my life. High school was even a harder time because once again i was the new kid in school. I struggled with making friends and trying to fit in. A couple of my classmates thought they were better than everyone else which made me want to distance myself from them. One of them shared a class with me and he thought it would be funny to make fun of one of my personality traits. I've always been shy. When the bullying continued, the shyness grew. This person didn't know me and didn't care that i had moved to this school, but he thought he knew me well enough to make fun of me. One day during class he said, "Oh I'll just speak for you." He made me feel bad for being myself, which happens alot in these bullying situations. I would be teased by the other kids which made me go speak to the principal and counselor. One didn't believe me, and the other told me i didn't have to be afraid of the bully. I felt alone and helpless. I thought I would be protected by the school educators.  Now that I'm 27, I've tried to put all the painful memories away. I'll be honest, it still affects me today. Sometimes i have a hard time walking in front of a group of people because I'm worried they'll make fun of me.

To those who are currently being bullied, or have been bullied, know that you're not alone in this. I can feel and see your pain by reading online and watching the news. I am on your side. Together, we can end bullying. I'll be your friend, and I'm here to listen. You are not what the bullies say. You are special and unique. You have a voice that deserves to be heard. Don't change who you are.

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Your'e Not Alone

I was not the popular girl in school. I had curly hair, pale skin, and wore glasses. I was bullied throughout grade school and some parts of high school. It started when i was in the first grade when an older kid grabbed me by the wrist. I was embarrassed and wanted to go hide somewhere. What stung was that it happened in a room full of people who had witnessed the incident and chose not to do anything. I didn't tell my mom. I just wanted the day to be over. The bullying continued in grade school by a group of boys who made me their target. They would mock me, laugh at me, scream at me to get out of the way, threaten to break my glasses, and spread a nasty rumor about me.

That was the beginning of me faking stomach aches so I could stay home from school. I saw the weekends as a vacation from school. I did not like myself. I lost my identity. I felt i had no voice and that what the bullies said was true. When I was in the sixth grade, i was waiting outside for my mom to pick me up when a kid tried to take my bag pack. I grabbed it out of his hands and that's when he slapped me on the side of my neck. Thankfully my mom showed up and we went to the principals office. I felt violated and fearful for my life. High school was even a harder time because once again i was the new kid in school. I struggled with making friends and trying to fit in. A couple of my classmates thought they were better than everyone else which made me want to distance myself from them. One of them shared a class with me and he thought it would be funny to make fun of one of my personality traits. I've always been shy. When the bullying continued, the shyness grew. This person didn't know me and didn't care that i had moved to this school, but he thought he knew me well enough to make fun of me. One day during class he said, "Oh I'll just speak for you." He made me feel bad for being myself, which happens alot in these bullying situations. I would be teased by the other kids which made me go speak to the principal and counselor. One didn't believe me, and the other told me i didn't have to be afraid of the bully. I felt alone and helpless. I thought I would be protected by the school educators.  Now that I'm 27, I've tried to put all the painful memories away. I'll be honest, it still affects me today. Sometimes i have a hard time walking in front of a group of people because I'm worried they'll make fun of me.

To those who are currently being bullied, or have been bullied, know that you're not alone in this. I can feel and see your pain by reading online and watching the news. I am on your side. Together, we can end bullying. I'll be your friend, and I'm here to listen. You are not what the bullies say. You are special and unique. You have a voice that deserves to be heard. Don't change who you are.

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my skin

hey there my name is destiny :3. my bully journey all began when i moved from Germany to Virginia i was not to happy but when i first started school i was thrilled! when i got on the bus i instantly knew i wasn't wanted everyone laughed at me because it was dark outside and they laughed saying all they saw was floating clothes i felt hurt because we were all the same color i just wanted to say no matter what color you are. you are special. This has helped me a lot i decided to start to write a book about it hopeful i can finish it by next year so i send it to get published. I'm also planning on making another book about bullying. It talks about everything i really hope it get published so bully comes to an end if i were president bullying would be illegal it takes one person to make a change for soon more info follow my ig @ vg.queen thanks a million. <3 remember you are so not alone

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Bullying for me started when I was 5 1/2 years old I couldn't speak well, read, or write. I was bullied all through elementary school to high school I started self harming in middle school through high school. I was threatened in the restrooms numerous times so I would hold it all day because I was scared something may happen to me. I had an eating disorder. I went to high school for three years after my junior year I decided staying here at this school isn't good for me so I became home schooled my senior year. After that I started focusing on getting better and trying to remain positive. I am 20 now and happy where I am today I have been 3 years self harm free. If I could give advice to young people it would be: I know things may seem tough now but it won't be like this forever. You are strong beautiful human beings always always remember that. Always believe in yourself because that is what truly matters.

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Amanda's never ending bullying story

Hi I'm Amanda Wojcik. I was 7 when I was first being bullied. It started with teasing. When I was 8. People were spreading secrets. In third grade and 4th grade nothing happened so, I thought it stopped. Little did I know it wasn't over. In fith, the whole school was starting to cyber bullying me, except my 4 good friends that were there for me. In 6th I started to really like boys, but they all thought I was ugly. This boy was awful to me. Teasing, notes, everything. In 7th, I was called ugly, these girls was trying to fight me, close my locker, talk about me behind my back, and around me. I have been bullied everyway and everyday. I don't know when it will stop. To all you who have never been bullied. If someone tries to stand up to them and tell them no! To stop! Have your friends with you. Stand up to the bullies unlike me!
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Finding my inner STRENGTH

As a now 35 year old married woman, you wouldn't think bullying would still impact my life; however, it never stopped influencing me. Bullies come in all ages, shapes, sizes, and genders. Social media helps spread the problem, but it also helps spread awareness of it as well. My story starts from the time I was in 3rd grade - that is the first time I can actually remember my peers and even adults engaging in acts of bullying and humiliation. Around the age of 12, in addition to major family problems including the surfacing of abuse I had endured but tried to conceal, I was a major target for bullies. There wasn't many people I could confide in, and with all hope gone, I wanted to end my life. I was hospitalized but eventually found peaceful outlets through sports, school, and a handful of people who helped me through. Then again as an adult, I found myself the victim of domestic violence & sexual violence. The spiral downward contributed into my late 20's until I found my inner strength. After another abusive relationship, I took a deep look inside myself and realized I had empowered these people to abuse me and bully me. I have held myself back so that others can be happy. I made the decision to start pursuing my lifelong dream of competitive powerlifting. My bullies and abusers always used my size and strength to demoralize me. I always knew I had a natural gift, but I was too scared to show myself to the world, I was too scared of what everyone would think. But after a life time of hiding myself, I was too tired of trying to "fit in". I decided to bust through competitive powerlifting like I had no doubt about myself. In two years, I have become one of the worlds strongest female powerlifters. It is an honor to represent and be among such an elite group, but even more rewarding are the young women who I inspire to compete and push through the taunting and fear of bullying! I have definitely paid the price for putting myself out there, for even such an accepting sport, there are still those who love to bring others down. I still fight and I will always fight to live my life free from judgement, abuse, and bullying!
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Believe in yourself!! We ROCK!!!!!!!

Be yourself . Be nice. Be cool.How by being and respecting other.Bit first yourself.Love yourself.Enjoy life . Remember you are one of a kind . We are all perfection in God's eyes.Praying is a key to a successful life.:)
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The Problem Is Real

Hey guys my name is Aliyah Forney, and I'm going to give you some advice about they Bullying situation that's been going around. Some people are being billed every year and some kids or teens commit suicide because they feel like there worthless to be living and it breaks my heart that so many kids are being bullied because the look different or they act different. These people that are the bully they don't have heart about anything. I have cousin that's been bullied because they have a disability or autism. It don't matter what they look like people are people and I think people should care for one another like there brothers and sister
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Young Girls that go to clubs and come home with strangers

Hi my name is Franklin Carrero. I had a dream about a young girl, going to a club, getting drunk and coming home with a stranger. Later to find out, that some angel was the one the brought her home from this club. When she wakes up next day, soon to find out that she was taken home by this angel and God put this spoken word in my heart on the link as follows: It is powerful and I know that this video needs to get in the hands of this young girls.
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