Hello and Welcome!
Here you can find our favorite and most commonly used assets. We hope you will utilize these in creative ways to help further your own local BULLY Project efforts. To download the Bully Graphics Kit click below and inside a .zip file you'll find images and fonts to help you with creating your very own Bully Project designs!
Below is the BULLY trailer which is a great way to give an introduction to the movement. There's no better place to start than by inciting empathy in others and helping to explain and show the problem that exists.
To help with a screening of the film, a great resource is the Facing History and Ourselves created, Guide to the Film BULLY. It helps as a companion piece to the film adding analysis and great workshop opportunities!
Also available is The Cartoon Network and CNN produced, The BULLY Effect, which follows the work of TBP and the lives of families featured in the movie "Bully” since it’s release. It's a great follow up and deep look into the movement as it exists today.
We hope these tools will help you develop and continue to grow. We love to hear your stories of success and are always open to hearing feedback and comments at [email protected].
-The BULLY Team