When I first moved to where I am now, I was instantly labeled the "outsider" because I came from a different province. The bullying actually started in Kindergarten because I was different from everyone else there. I was the shortest, yet one of the oldest. I was a bit overweight then, but I over came that one quickly after 2nd grade. But I'm now in 9th grade. Yes the bulling has died down, but there's still people who think I don't know that they talk about me behind my back, but I do and it really hurts. I've been called a whore, fat, slut, freak, and anything else you can think of. I've also been pushed into lockers. The bullying has been going on for 9 years now, and I've really had it. Every time I stand up for myself, they still don't stop. But honestly, I think the main reason they don't stop is because I stood up for myself to late. I starting standing up for my self last year in grade 8. Maybe if I had done that earlier, they would've stopped talking about me and everything. But what I'm trying too say is, don't wait like I did. Tell someone as soon as it happens and stand up for your self. Not just for you, but for others you may see being bullied as well. Together we can stop bulling.
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