Watch What You Say

Hi, my name is Elysa  and through out my life of schooling I have been bullied but not physically well most times I haven't but, I think that verbal abuse is just as bad and effective. I used to move around a lot because my mom and dad were divorced. I moved to California with my dad for a couple of months and I used to have bad nightmares. When I would go to school I would be scared out of my mind that I would cry. People would follow me laughing at me because I was crying and that I was a "scaredy cat" and other names. Later on through my life I moved back to Arizona with my mom and started going to a new school. I went to that school in 5th grade and that 1st year was good. But my 6th grade year was most difficult because I was getting called "slut" "future teen mom" etc.. Knowing that I was getting called these things made me scared to come to school. I had rumors spread about me and most were said to my face. The only reason well, one of the reasons I was getting called these things was because my mom and dad were teens when they had me, so people thought I would end up like that too. Now in 7th grade I get made fun of every now in then but I laugh most times. But, the first quarter of my school year I was getting called a slut and other things and I thought that I thought enough is enough. I would have bad  thoughts because all I thought about was that I make too many mistakes because I am the mistake. My parents know that I "used" to get bullied but sometimes it still happens. One day I came home in a very sad mood that when I got home I locked myself in the bathroom and put my music on blast so my older sister wouldn't hear me cry. Although, I can "act" innocent, I was a bully too. In the 5th grade I said something that offended a girl who over heard and she told on me and I was sent to the principals office. After I got written up, the girl apologized and we moved on from then. I do think that though being on both sides as bully and bullied, it's not O.K.. When  a person is getting bullied, you don't know what thoughts they are having. People may think that those things are true. WATCH WHAT YOU SAY!! Please, because if you are a bully and your giving crap to the bullied , you may not see that person AGAIN. And to all the kids who are struggling with bullying, don't believe them. If your getting picked on if your big say " I'm big because a skinny body like yours can't hold this much awesome.". You see you can stand up for yourself without being physical and you may think at the time that hitting the person will make them stop and sometimes it does but you just gotta stand up for your self. Just like 2pac said " you gotta keep your head up." 

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