There comes a time when past becomes present...

I am hunted by my past because of bullying. I try to make my own children fit in by making sure the have new (name brand) shoes, nice clothes, and anything else that could make them "one of the cool kids", but in reality I just dont want what as happen to me to happen to them. I lived in a small town in South Dakota where there wasnt a lot to do or a lot of kids, but for some reason the Rice kids (as they called us) where the blunt of everyones jokes. For my older brother it was way worse because he got beat a lot on the bus, kick at school,pushed into lockers, and so forth. Kids were mean to us for all kinds of reasons. We heard the speeches from the teachers, princapals, and school officals about stay away and tell, but nothing as this movies has proven gets done. It got to be so bad that in high school kids were saying me and my brother were having sex with each other. It got so bad for him that he ended up just dropping out and being a no body like everyone said he was. The sad part is that me as a mother now I see what my brother went through, through my son. He is picked on daily at school. Mind you I've moved from the small town to las vegas nv. Since he has been in school out here we have me a couple of times, but each school its the same story. He gets bullied. I go and talk and talk and talk, but it doesnt change nothing. Even when I ask whats it gonna take you calling me because my son was sent to the hospital and even then your going to blame him in some way. He is truely a special child loves with his heart open, and always sees the good in people. He has his problems, but thats what they focus on. Hes been suspended for fighting but he was protecting himself. He has got to the point like (ALex on the movie) that these kids are his friends.Sad...I dont think Dominic is the type to take his own life, but he is the type to take someone elses. He has told me I want to hurt them, kill them, and I tell him that would make you like them and he is at the point now that he doesnt care. He is sick and tired of getting it day in and day out. Then when he does do something to feel better about everything its going to be my fault as the parent and what did I teach him at home, but we send our kids to these school for daycares now a days. They dont teach and they arent protecting them so why are we paying our taxes dollars to theses so called schools? Maybe I'm just blowing of steam, but this movie has pissed me off! When the princpal stop the two boys whent they were coming in from lunch or whatever and the one in the stripe ( red and white) shirt didnt want to shake the others hand, she got mad at him! Gave him a speech about he was just like the other guy, but let the other boy walk off because he offered his hand, come on the only reason he did is because he knew he was going to be able to keep doing what he was doing to the poor boy. I hate the the world as turned into such a horrible place to live in.We are parents need to start teaching our kids equallity. We are all the same, we all bleed red at the end of the day. We need to take a stand and all become one against bullies :)

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