Bullying is something that's been around forever. Too often, people shrug it off as "a part of growing up". But the consequences can be a devastating experience for the recipient. I can when i was like 7ish , there was a girl in my neighborhood that would often be taunted with cruel jokes. As kids, we would all just stand by and laugh. Though seeming harmless at the time, I am embarrassed to admit, I myself, had sometimes been laughing at the expense of that girl. In later years as an early teen, I also had a turn at a bullying experience. Now I felt exactly what it was like to feel hurt, scared and doubting my own self worth. Just like that girl from my neighborhood a few years earlier. Unfortunately,this problem continues to fly under the radar. It effects all races, genders and religions. I love the idea of kids banning together and helping end these problems. This is a harsh but necessary issue that effects us all. As a teen, I urge everyone to talk about the facts. Don't ignore it or be afraid to face it. Reach out and help stop the hate.
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