I have never in my own experience been properly bullied because in my school it's not a very recurring theme. I did not realise the gravity of bullying in american public schools as I am foreign and go to private school. But while watching the movie "Bully" yesterday and crying insanely, I found out that this is not something to be taken lightly. I was especially moved by the boy who was born too early, (can't remember his name) who had a loving family, but a mother who didn't know how to control the bullying of her child. I thought bullying was only about violence, but I see now that in reality, kids can be scarred for life from what their classmates have threatened to do to them, like punch, beat up, or even *insert swear word here :)* kill them. I want to take a stand against bullying, make friends with those who don't have friends, and finally put an end to the horrible things that go on around american schools. I hope many people will join me.
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