Stay strong.

Hi, my name is Chelsea. I'm 20 years old, but I remember getting bullied as  clear as day. I started getting bullied when I was 5 til up to when I was 14. I got made fun of because of my teeth, my facial structure, my hair, my clothes, my size, and my "flat chest." Everything about me was ridiculed. I never got into a fight because of it, but I did puff my chest out and I used my voice. I did throw things, but not hard objects. Ever since then, I was never bullied again. I just want to remind kids that you don't have to use violence. You can use your intelligence to speak up for yourself. Stand up, clench your fists, and if necessary, fight back. But I hope it never comes to that. But you must be strong and stay strong. Yell, get that crazy look in your eye that tells people to watch out for you, because you are the boss. You are powerful. But if someone hits you, by all means, hit them back. You guys can do this. I believe in you.

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