To whom ever is being or has experienced bullying, your not the only one. Other people just like you have been through some tough times. Reaching out to others may seem hard, you may be shy, you may just wanna fit in, but don't! Be who you are and don't try to be something your not because this is where bullying typically starts is with society's views on normalcy is the new perfect. You are born perfect and nobody should tell you other wise! I am a freshmen and i live in the US and it is not easy being a freshmen in high school. I was bullied through out my whole life for stupid things like my sister having cancer, my dad dying when i was three years old, being different, not dressing like the other girls, having my own views on everything, and so much more. I wished people would understand what it was like to go through what i have experienced. I wanted friends, i wanted to be seen and be skinny pretty,smart, funny, and just be seen as "perfect". I tried so hard to get people to like me and the more i tried the more people would hate me. My advice to be happy or to get some friends happens to be... Don't let people tell you what you can and can't do, who you are and aren't friends with, what type of person are you, weather your normal sized, or you look "pretty" or "handsome" my point is be different, be yourself, don't believe what those kids tell you because if you aren't yourself and if you try to be like everyone else then wouldn't everyone be the same? Try to be different because no one wants something that everyone else has, they want something different they want to be able to look up to or be friends with or date someone who isn't scared to be themselves, someone who will stick up for themselves and others and not care what people think and not for one second put the people down who put them down for there whole lives. I get life is hard and i know everyone isn't as strong as the next, but try and i promise things will get better because after every storm comes a rainbow and if your growing up years are as horrible then imagine what your future will look like if you try hard enough to make your dreams a reality. So please if you cut, drink, smoke, burn, have an eating disorder, suffer from depression, or just plain out are tired of all the crap you get at school or when you even go outside or on the internet or social media sites, just ignore them because they ARE WRONG! You are beautiful, strong, smart, unique, and amazing people so for all those who are still suffering or are about to suffer, try and stop it and just forget all those people because they must be miserable and to achieve attention they have to bully you so who's really pathetic in the end? The bully could be going through a rough time as well so don't try to bully the bully but become they bully's friend or compliment them because maybe then they will stop. I hope i could help and spread the word... I didn't feel my story of my bulling experiences would quite help but i can help by stopping or betraying how i stopped being bullied/ bullying people because i realized everyone just wants to fit in and there's only so many seats at the top so why not make the top big enough for everyone?
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