Hi, my name is Hailey. I live in a town called Staunton in Virginia. I've been bullied multiply times because im not what they want me to be. Maybe its i need to lose weight or im not pretty enough for anyone or that i'm an attention seeker. But its gotten to the point where it is hurting me, and making me hurt myself. I have scars everywhere and none of the kids understand that those scars are there because of what they say to me. I hurt myself because i feel i deserve it. Maybe i do because that's what the kids say. Its hard to wake up every morning know I am alive or that i have to go to school. This is not only staring to hurt me but my parents also. The teachers do nothing about it mostly because they don't care. If i talk in class to answer a question everyone gets quiet and laughs about my anxiety. Its not funny. It hurts and i cant say anything to them because i know they will hurt me more. One time i had a couple of kids tell me to kill myself or that i was worthless. Its very hard to wake up and deal with some of this everyday. But im getting through. These kids just need to know what they say is very hurtful, and that i or someone else being bullied could easily take my or there life. I just feel that kids should watch what they say. Bullying needs to be stopped. Its hurting people and no one sees but us.
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