Popularity or Life?

I wasnt always this popular kid. From 1st-6th grade i had no friends, i was called fat poor and pizza face. It was an on going thing for a long time until about the end of sixth grade. I was called names so bad i started starving my selfeverytbjng i could to make my self pretty. Well seventh grade stadted anx i was popular and liked, i was like all other seventh graders mixed in drama, i had boyfriends and everythjng a girl could ask for. There was about 2 months left in scho when l my friends decided to turn there backs on me, i coukdnt even walk through the hall of answer a question in class with out being called a whore or a bitch. I couldnt do anything but tell the school but did they do anythjg abiut the kids bullying me? No. So buy the last 2-3 weeks of school i couldnt take it anymore so i wfote a suicide note in math and asked the teacher to go to the bathroom. I sat on the balcony from the second floor i stood up crying about to jump when an eigth grader came out to tell me im a whore and i ahould jump because no one will care and i got down grabbed my stuff and left my school the cops later found me and i was sent to the hospital. Ever since thwn i havent been very happy, stable. Nothing. And it breaks my heart to know fhat the schools out fhere dont care.

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