My daughter is 13 and has been bullied at her school since January of this year. There are 5 girls that have been bullying her but 3 that really are the worst. On January 15th the 3 girls almost killed my daughter by dumping salsa on her which contains onions(my daughter is highly allergic to them). The school and police did nothing about it except to say that it was a tragic accident. My daughter almost died and the girls sat there laughing about it. The one girl who dumped the salsa on her laughed and said Oops my bad and laughed harder as my daughter sat there gasping for air. Since that day they have been calling her names, throwing things at her, threatening to beat her, posting names and mean comments about her on social media sites, they took her picture in the bathroom and posted it on Facebook, and nothing has happened to them. The school principle will not even admit that she is being bullied. She calls is drama. She even went as far as to blame it all on my daughter. I have filed reports with the school, gone to the school board, the superintendent, the media, TV stations, newspapers, the police, I've tried to get restraining orders against the girls but nobody will do anything. IN fact, the principle is trying to have me banned from school property because one of the bullies said a bunch of lies and now they are saying that my 71 year old mother and myself are a threat to the children so they don't want me on school property. Of course I am fighting that now too. My daughter is afraid to go to school but she can't even go to the bathroom while she is there because she is afraid that they will jump her while she is in there. I don't even know where to go from here. I've had to take her to the Emergency Room for an evaluation because she is suicidal from these girls constantly bullying her. She she's no end in sight and no hope. Everybody believes the bullies because their parents have money and I am a single mother. I am at a loss as to what to do or where to go for help. I keep being told that it is so hard to prove bullying now a days and that it's my daughter's word against theirs. Can somebody please help us? Does anyone have any advice on what to do? I'm afraid that I will wake up and my daughter will be dead. She has reached her breaking point. I don't think she can take any more.
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