My Nathan

My Nathan, is a sweet 11 year old with ashberger' syndrome. He goes to a small town school and has since per school. The same school with the same kids. He is now finishing the 5th grade with the same group of kids. So as you can imagine the kids know him know his flaws know his buttons. Most of them leave him alone. OK almost all if them leave him all but 1 them same 1 my husband and I have had problems with bullying Nathan since the 1st grade. Now its only name calling I say only like that's just nothing. Because I've seen other bullying. I know what that can lead too. Now this year. My son has not been not guilty. In every convertation so when I go to our principal I get well Nathan also did this which for the past 4 years I have always gotten cause Nathan does get mad. And does say things after about 10 15 minutes. See the boy who dies this is sneaky Nathan is not. He is loud is out there. He make sure he is heard. Fair I don't think so. I'm just at my end. If I did have MS I would homeschool him. But I can't. And that also breaks my heart. Any advice?

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