My Hero Bella (My Daughter)

Thank you for being an advocate for us parents who have children who are bullied and for raising awareness. My daughter is 13 and has been constantly bullied since starting middle school. We have always taught her to stand up for others and that is where her bullying started. She stood up for a young girl who was pulling her hair our and eating it, this was after I (I am an RN) explained what the young lady was dealing with. After sticking up for her my daughter started being bullied. She has been called a lesbian for not wearing dresses or make-up, told to kill herself, called ugly, fat, stupid...and more. Finally it escalated in the beginning of December to her verbalizing a thorough suicide plan. I am grateful she talked about it instead doing it, but it is the last thing any parent wants to hear.  She was hospitalized for a week and it was the hardest weeks my family has ever had.  She now is being treated for depression/anxiety because of bullying.  This is not right!!  We have talked to her school many times, but it seems the bullies get more freedom than the victim (as often the bullies parents are not told of what they are doing). So now I am a huge advocate for change and a big voice. I appreciate groups like yours for all that you do to bring this issue to the forefront.

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