I have been bullied from a very young age. But I never really took it under consideration until about 5th grade when a group of girls began to go harder on me. They tore me down. They called me a fat worthless slut though I was so young. I never really understood what I did to make them hate me. I never really fit in with people because they were all much skinnier than me. Yes I've gone through a lot more things since then, but I've decided to make a difference. I started a tumblr page back in September. It is an inspirational blog that gives good messages to help people and to get the word about me out as well. I help multiple people a day. go to http://staystrongyouarentalone.tumblr.com & check it out. It's got tons of links to help you clear your head & I can help you as well. I've learned to make a change instead of letting my insecurity destroy me.
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