Hi, my name is Eric, I am 24 and mixed with African American, Irish Native American German and Deutsch. I don't really think about it today because its just a part of who I am but when I was younger I was very confused about who I was and kids often took advantage of that. In pre-school I began to notice that I was different because the other children's parents looked the same and the kids would notice that my parents didn't. I would be compared to Asian children because of my complexion. I would be called names even at that age like yellow boy and weirdo. Luckily children's vocabulary isn't very advanced at that age but it still hurt! Even at that age what I found helpful was to make at least 1 friend. I was lucky to have 2 at the time. I moved around a little as i grew older so I would have to start over and make new friends and in middle school it was pretty hard. I would often come in to contact with kids who never met someone of my mixed race. They would make fun of me in their confusion and misunderstanding though back then I didn't see it that way. They would call me all sorts of names like oreo, milano, choconilla ice cream and many other harmful names Id rather refrain from posting on here. I even got in to a few physical altercations with kids. Most of the time the parents wouldn't help because they felt the same as their kids. I was the only mixed child in the neighborhood. Now that I look back, I wish more could have been done. But some people will never change and it becomes a viscous circle because they become like their parents and their kids like them. More and more kids suffer in the end because the parents choose to do nothing. I hope more parents educate their kids because it can't all be left up to the school systems.
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