Bullying in My Life

My story of bullying isn't like the more common experience. I was teased and ridiculed throughout elementary and my early middle school years because of my size. I was a heavy set girl. i didn't look like the other girls in my class. They were skinny and had lighter skin than I did. They made me feel and believe that they were better because they had smaller shapes and fairer skin. I was always at home and never really hung out with anyone from school. my attitude totally changed when I got into the 7th grade. I had an epiphany and realized that the girls that made fun of me and exiled me, weren't much different. They didn't have this grand thing about them that made them more special or better than me. When I realized that these girls couldn't make me feel inferior unless I let them, I decided not to take it anymore. I decided to stand up for myself. I didn't let them ruin my whole day. They couldn't take my sunshine away. I know that sounds cliche, but it's true. I finally figured out how to get to them. Most bullies become bullies because they are insecure with themselves. They purposely try to find someone that they think is worse off than them. Once they pick that person, they pick them apart. They try to find your flaw. When they can't find one, they choose to make fun of what they are jealous of. Bullies are just lonely people who want love and friendship, but they spew out their anger and are completely mean to people for absolutely no justified reason. Bullying needs to come to an end. To this day, I know my worth and they can't reduce me to their level.

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