Boy Scout Troop 707 is hosting this viewing for Parents of Troop 707 and Pack 323 that would like to view the movie with friends. We will have a discussion about the movie before and after.
Our goal with these showings is to raise awareness, highlight the effects it can have on our children, and empower our Adults and Scouts to stand up and tell others to stop this behavior.
Please RSVP so we know who to expect.
There will be a viewing for Scouts on 5/29/2013
May 22, 2013 at 6:00pm - 8:30pm
Wilderness Lake Lodge
21320 Wilderness Lake Blvd
Land O Lakes, FL 34637
United States
Google map and directions
21320 Wilderness Lake Blvd
Land O Lakes, FL 34637
United States
Google map and directions
Bryan Giffod
· 813.480.1183