Yesterday my 12 year old niece and I were running errands and at one of the places we stopped we met the nicest gentleman. He struck up a conversation with us about if we were ready for school and if she had all her supplies. She does and she said she did. He then asked since she is going into middle school if she had dealt with a lot of peer pressure. I told her that myself and her uncle had been working with her this summer about making the right decisions and choices on her own because we will not be there with her when she is in school. I also told him that we discussed that a true friend would not ask you to do something that was not right. She has been bullied in school in the past by friends as well as others. She has been made fun. picked and push around at school. So we told her that if that happens this year, to not be afraid to tell someone. The gentleman complimented us and then said one of the best phrases I have ever heard. He said" Don't be afraid to be brave. You need to protect your self and possibly help someone else in the future from be bullied by the same person or others.." In that moment I saw a look of relief on her face. I wanted to share it with you because it had such an impact on me and my niece and I am hoping it will help others dealing with the same issues.
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