My story...I can help with anything.

Surprisingly my story starts in 2nd grade when the kids in my class started calling me fat and ugly. I thought that maybe they were just joking around with me. So through out my elementary years I kept trying to fit in with the crowd and eventually I finally got the point that no one wanted me. I guess the memo came in 6th grade when my best friend came up to me and said "I don't want to be your friend because you're a bitch" I wen't home crying that day and didn't finish the year. I came back in seventh grade where the names were just as bad and rumors were the big thing. I had three rumors about me in 7th grade and five in 8th grade. But my high school years are the ones I remember the most clearly..Freshman year came around and along with that homecoming. There was this junior who had targeted me as a good target to pick on and every single day for three weeks before homecoming he would tell me that I am to fat and Ugly to go to homecoming. He would flick me and bruises would appear but I never showed anyone. I went to homecoming and he found me and pinned me in the corner. He reminded me that he had told me not to come proceeding to tell me that no one would touch me with a ten foot poll. I spent that homecoming crying in the lobby. There was also this kid freshman year who would shove me into my locker and of course I didn't fit and he would slam the locker on my arms and back. Sophomore year wasn't much better. I lost my best friend due to the fact that I wasn't "cool enough" for her anymore. I started to fail my classes and just didn't care anymore. It was that christmas break that I had attempted suicide three times. I survived all attempts due to pure luck of the belt breaking..that summer I was diagnosed with severe depression and social anxiety. I also ended up with self harm although I earned no scars for others to see... I know what happened and I can't ever take that back... I am now in my junior year and right now for the past week I have been called a freak, fat, and ugly. I've spent the week crying and I can't seem to stop... I know others opinions don't matter but...words still hurt.

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