My first day of being bullied.

My name is vivianna. My first time of being bullied was in the 5th grade. I was called names everyday by the people who I thought were my friends. It broke my heart to know that they didn't really like me and they only used me for material things. They called me fat and stupid and if they asked me for something and I didn't give it to them it would be a problem. That went on for 2 years. In the 7th grade when I started a new school I was also bullied. Everyday of every school moment I was called names. And sometimes it even by people I didn't know. I became bulimic and went into depression. I was the suffer in silence type so no one knew. Everyday I would cry becuz I didn't want  to go to school. I would even pretend to be sick. I was so into self harming it didn't even hurt anymore. I began to shut down. I felt alone. But then I moved again but this time I'm not being bullied. I found hope and I realized that I'm worth something we all are. I went through 3 years of bullying and I'm still alive today. No matter what stay strong. Your beautiful and your special.

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