My Brother

I have an older brother named Michael. He was born with Asperger's Syndrome. For those who don't know what that is, it is in the same family as Autism but he is high functioning which means he is capable of living on his own and taking care of himself. As many of you know, anyone in this world who is the slightest bit different ends up being picked on. The worse years of my brother's life were in middle school. He was being picked on daily by both boys and girls because he was different. He would try his best to fit in but it just didn't work. He couldn't even make any friends. He took in all of the bullying and came home everyday and just got so angry at everything. He would fight with my parents every day about not doing his homework. It was sad for me to watch but I was still young so I didn't really know what was going on. At the end of his 8th grade year he decided to have a party and invite almost everyone in his grade to our house. We bought a football and soccer ball and all kinds of drinks and food. When the day of the party came, nobody showed up. He was kind of friends with one kid in his grade rand that kid didn't even show up until an hour later. I watched as my mom sat out in the front yard crying because not a single person showed up. That was when I realized how bad the bullying was. Thankfully when he got in high school, he went into the culinary trade and became happy again. That was also when my parents started understanding what Asperger's was and now he is in college and has a job and drives. I am very proud of how much he has accomplished with his disability. 

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