
I'm Caleb Lusk. I also go by Giggles, I got the nickname in band. I'm 16, and I was bullied. I'm not gonna tell you my story, but in middle school I got bullied to the point where I had a knife against my neck. But here I am. I put down the knife and I gotta say, that was the best decision I've ever made. I know it's hard going through middle school. Heck, I'm a junior this year and I know it's hard in high school. But even when times have seemed to hit rock bottom, don't give up. I know what it's like to be the kid no one cares about. I want you to know that no matter what, you're a masterpiece. A true work of art. If you cut, then stop. Please. You're priceless. I want you here. I care about you. I love you. If you have thoughts of suicide. Call a friend, or a family member that you can talk to. Because you're priceless. I want you here, I care about you, I love you. Whether you believe it or not, we're all here for a purpose. And without you here, everything would be different. You could be the next president. You could be a famous actor. You can change the world. You're important. I want you to know that no matter what, there's always someone out there who cares about you. And if you haven't been complimented lately, you have a beautiful smile. You're gorgeous. You have pretty eyes. You have a cute laugh. You're a masterpiece.

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