When my 4th Grade son comes home from school, every day I ask him to tell me at least one thing he learned and on this day, his head fell into his chest and he said, "Mom, what does the word faggot mean?" I asked him where he heard that word and he said that some kids at school have been calling him that among other names. After asking him if there was anything else happening that he felt bad or embarrassed about, I learned that while raising this wonderfully loving and caring boy, we never prepared him for a world where kids don't play fair, they aren't nice, they do hit, push, punch, stab and kick and call bad names. They target some kids and make them afraid to go to school. As a parent, my first instinct is to protect my son and this is why you are reading this story because no child should be afraid to go to school and endure what he has been going through the last 2 years. He needs my help and I need yours to help him.
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