What Did I do?

I have been getting bullied since 5th grade. I am in 7th grade. In 5th grade my friends began talking about me behind my back. So I decided to go to another friend group. Luckily (or so I thought) I had a friend who I had know since kindergarten. So I began hanging out with her. Soon she began excluding me from things. She would talk about parties she wasn't inviting me to right in front of me. She would call me things like a slut or a whore. Reminder this was in 5th grade. She even began dating my crush just because she knew I liked him. That was when I became suicidal. Then my parents told me we were going to move to a new city. I was overjoyed. The chance for me to start over! When we got there I was riding the bus. Soon enough I made friends with the girls on my bus. I started hanging out with them. They all lived in the same neighborhood. I did not live in that neighborhood. They began excluding me from things. It started with sleepovers and ended up with me eating lunch by myself most of last year. That was when the suicidal thoughts got worse. In all honesty if I didn't have amazing parents I would not be here right now. I began asking myself the question. What did I do? I mean I have been bullied both places I have been so it must have been my fault right? Then this year I got a mobile phone. They started all these group messages but never included me in any of them. They even titled one " Awesome " and wouldn't let me in it. Well correction one of my friends added me into it. But then they staged this whole dramatic things about deleting it. And then right after they told us all to delete ourselves from the conversation. And after I said I did. They decided well maybe we should keep it. Sorry Rachel but we aren't letting you back in. I often feel like I am on a leash. If I make one mistake I am shamed mercilessly for weeks. While if anyone else makes a mistake its ok! No big deal! Anyways that is my story. I am still getting bullied. 

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