I was bullied since preschool. The girls would tell each other not to talk to me and when we would go outside to play I wouldn't have anyone to play with, so I sat on the swings by myself and sang "Part of Your World" from "The Little Mermaid," which made people think I was even more weird. In Elementary school I moved to a different city and these girls would go out of their way to just make me feel so bad about myself and they would tell me that I was "too ugly" to be their friend. I started cutting and developed an eating disorder in 6th grade. In middle school the bullying got worse and I just let people do the things they did to me because I just wanted so badly to fit in. At one point one of my "friends" saw that I was cutting and they said: "why don't you just go kill yourself instead, it's not like anyone will miss you anyway" I was really skinny and weighed about 90 pounds and I had to go to the ER a couple of times in middle school because my bodily functions were shutting down. In high school I still wasn't surrounding myself with people that were good for me so I continued getting bullied by my "friends" until sophomore year when I realized I hit rock bottom when I had to go to the ER again and almost died. I ended those friendships that were bad for my health and took many actions to get myself better. This was a hard period in my life because people love talking about me so me having a eating disorder and cutting got around the whole school and people made fun of me for it. Something positive that came from this though is the fact that people with the same issues as me have come to me for help and advice about what they do and I have been told that I inspired them to get help, which is the most rewarding thing to hear. I am now a senior and I'm graduating in a couple of weeks and now I don't have many friends, but the ones that I do are the greatest people I know. I know that they will never leave me because they stood by me and supported me during one of the hardest times in my life and I can never give them anything that would compare what they have done for me. i obviously have my days where i still have urges to go back to doing what I did to myself for so long but these people keep me strong. I've made so many mistakes with letting people bully me, but I always keep my head up!
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