
My story all started in the 7th grade. Now my school isn't the greatest, or most trustworthy school. We always have fights, drugs, and the teachers are more interested in keeping their job. So it didn't surprise me that we had a "talk" almost every week. Ok so back to the story. Everyone has that one friend that you trust with all your heart but somehow you breakup, or she/he leaves, or she turn on you. I had that friend I won't be saying names but it was a girl. She was a lot like me and we never argued about anything. We were friends for years. One day she must of got mad at me I still don't know why, she won't tell me. And she shared some of my secrets that I shared with her. Everyone has a rough patch in their life and I just went through mine early...really early. I drank alcohol a lot, and lied even more. After the first fight we had, I went to school and found everyone whispering and staring at me. I went up to my other friend and asked whats up with everyone. She told me that lets call her girl 1, had shared about the alcohol and even made up rumors that I slept with guys, and had done drugs. Which I had never done. The school didn't really care no matter what happened and just shrugged it off. I lost half of my friends because of the rumors and only had two friends left who knew the real truth. I was made fun of, and judged everyday. There was this thing at my school called 'tazering' which is when someone would get to fingers and put them under your ribcage and push upwards to someone else. Half of the boys in school did that to me. I got bruises because of it. I hated going to school I would pretend I was sick to get out of it. Me and my mother aren't very close so I never told her what was happening, and I don't know my father. It go so bad that I tried to commit suicide.. three times. All the times failed because I just couldn't do that to my family, I kept thinking I was being selfish and stupid. I finally got the guts to tell my mom. That was the best decision I have ever made; she tried talking to the school but they didn't do anything. My mom was so mad at the school that she didn't allow them to talk to me in private because she didn't trust them. But my school didn't listen they made me talk to girl 1 and that sent me off the edge, I was caught trying to hang myself with a scarf. After that my mom dropped me out of school, I am currently going to online school. And we are moving in July. I never want this to happen to anyone. Either if you are a victim or a bystander. Please stand up to the bully and don't let them win! Hundreds of kids everyday commit suicide from bullying. Either if you see it on the internet, physically, or hear it, tell someone or stand up. Because I am very happy to be living, and I wish that the kids that have passed could of had the help of friends, parents, teachers, peers, just anyone to still be living. I hate to think that people are dying , and want it to stop so please I beg you to help me bring a stop to it. 

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