Things have to change!

My name is Gracie, I'm fifteen years old and my story started five years ago in fifth grade. It started off as harmless teasing, kids calling me "ugly" and "stupid". Rumors about my friend and I being gay for each other. in fifth grade, I knew what it was like to drag metal across my wrist. In sixth grade things were neautral. I lost my great grandmother to cancer but I wasn't really bullied at all. Seventh grade year I was told my friend Michael attempted suicide. I was supposed to meet my friend Juliana at 12:00AM that November night so we could go see him. It wasn't her. It was her step brother, Cody. I was ok with it for a while, but towards 3:00AM , he raped me. I screamed and begged and tried pushing him off of me and he would'nt stop. I tried killing myself four times in two weeks after it happened. I was hospitalized and put on abilify and Prozac. I went back to school and every body called me a "whore" and said it was my fault I was raped and that I "deserve" it. Kids would tell me to kill myself, guys would leave money in my locker or hand me money and would ask "how much for one night with you?" . I got aggressive and fought my bullies. I was kicked out of school with no punishment to them. In eighth grade I went from 94lbs to 197lbs due to my abilify. kids would call me "heffer" "lard ass" "fat whore" they would make fat jokes and beg me not to eat them too. that year I was raped by another guy. In ninth grade I was diagnosed with adhd, PTSD, depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. I was hospitalized that year on 10.24.12 because I being bullied. my hair was red and kids would call me Ronald McDonald , asked me if I wanted fries with my shake, would continue with fat jokes and calling me a whore . told me to kill myself. So I tried killing myself. after my hospitalization I returned to school and it continued. I went to the hospital again in march 2013 because of it, attempted suicide again and was tubed. I was homeschooled after that. well this year, my tenth grade year, I weigh 139 lbs , I starved myself skinny. and I still am not at the weight I aspire to be. I sat down at the lunch table and a girl called "ew that little whore just sat at OUR table." I went home early that day in tears. I've skipped many days from being called a whore and people telling me to hang myself. last month I was hospitalized again. for twenty seven days I was in a mental asylum. I'm now at a new school because the school I was at wouldn't do anything at the bullying; it's time to do something about this, because one time I won't be lucky and make it through another attempt. my only motivation is my girlfriend.

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