Well..... To start off I was first bullied around sixth grade. I went along with it to think it was okay. The months went by and I start standing up for my self. I would talk back. I was still good in class. Then around seventh grade I still stood up for my self, but I knew it wasn't really me. I start to notice when I come home ill be every sad, but I would put a fake smile on my face. I knew my parents wouldn't care about me. Around eighth grade I began to cut. It became so bad. I did it even more because I was thirteen weighing 180 pounds with PCOS. That took a toll on me, and my parents that talk about me made me cut even more. Now I'm fourteen still a "FATTY" with PCOS. If I don't talk about I think I'll crash even more and I can't take it anymore. I just smile and nod, because if I don't people would notice. You can say being bullied and called names triggered me to self-harm. I just wanted to tell my story before its TOO late to say anything. Xoxoxox.
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