My life started out normal, I was longer than the average baby at birth.
My parents were young, my mom was 19, my 21.
My life was good untill I started going to school, the first three years was ok sure I lost and gained friends but it was fine.
I'm not the skinniest person ever, I'm sure as fucking tall though.
During my fourth grade year I had been reassigned to a new school. Ever since the first day I knew everyone hated me just the way they looked at me I wanted to seriously run and hide, I would be violent because I didn't know what else to do, I was suspended so many times my Principal and my father were on first name bases. I remember coming home with tears falling down my face at times. Nothing got better I had put up with all of this for three years. The next year in the fifth grade I had moved to a different school, but it was in the same district and I still saw the same kids from my other school, and somehow they had gotten the new kids that I was going to school with make fun of me too.
I was called. tree, fatass.lardo. and many others. During the middle of 6th grade I moved again to a different town.
I felt like an outsider in that town like no one accepted me, I didn't care about anything people made fun of me because I didn't care. Then I failed the 6th grade, worst mistake ever. Later on in the second year of 6th grade I slipped in-to major depression. Still till this day I still have it, even though I have no one to talk to about it.
Today,I am living strong and still have my moments where I would rather be dead than alive but when I am bored I make youtube videos explaining my tips on bullying and my story. I hope one day my story can help out anyone who is going threw the same thing.
If you have no one to talk to, I am here. You can email me at anytime at [email protected]
Or you can contact me on youtube,
Thank you for reading my story. ♥
Love, Mallory Anthony.
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