When I was growing up, I was always the different one. At first I thought it was because when I was young, still in Kindergarten, I moved to a new place. And then, as I started growing older, I thought it was because I chose to hung out with the people who weren't popular, the 'losers' that sat in the back of the class. And then I started to realize I had no idea why I was being bullied, why people would go out of their way to make me look bad, and it wasn't physical, which made it harder because there was no proof. It was always verbal and manipulative. One year, I was playing Monopoly with some girls in my middle school class and one of the girls, when another one wasn't looking, took one of the other pieces. She told me to stay quiet and I thought it was a joke. A few minutes later, she framed me with it and they all go angry and started calling me names. The next year, one of my best friends started telling people that I was starting all these bad rumors, I got death threats. I kept it to myself, figuring there was nothing anyone could do about it. when I got into high school, I was still bullied, and even more so in college! I thought once you got to college, you were adults, you didn't do such things, but I realized I was wrong. Now my closest friends say I think different, and they're ok with it, but it makes sense why I would be bullied. I don't share a lot of the same thoughts with others. And that's what people do. If they can't understand you, they just shun you. It's like they're afraid of you. All my life I promised myself I wouldn't have children, who would want their children to live in such a society? I'm hoping one day in my lifetime, we can see a change in that.
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