Ten years later and it still hurts..

Bullying stopped for me when I entered High School and wouldn't allow it to happen anymore. But the time since then I was bullied for just about anything....from being half minority, to living without my father, to the cloths I wore, to the way I tuned people out or didn't seem to follow through with clubs or clicks. I was picked on and harassed for things I couldn't help and instead of standing up, I suffered it in silence and refused to let my voice be heard because I didn't think it would make a difference. And now I see how its evolved into something horrible. If I had taken the steps and spoken up sooner, maybe things wouldn't be as bad. I am only one person, but one person's voice can always make more of a difference. So here and now, as a mother of two. I will make my stand, and I will teach my children the compassion and understanding to be able to make it through this world, and to teach them to speak up and not suffer in silence. To feel comfortable in your own skin.

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