My bullying started the time around middle school. I went to a very large public school, where you were a number, not a person. You were not known unless you were popular. And to be popular you had to look, play, and dress the part. You ate at the popular table, you sat with the popular kids, went to dances, parties, ect. And if you weren't a popular, you were an outcast. A freak. A nobody. In the beginning of 7th grade I spent my lunches eating in the bathroom, because I had no one to sit wit. If you sat by yourself, you got made fun of. Laughed at. Pointed at. Started at. Like you were some alien species. So I hid, in the bathroom and ate my lunch alone. I was quiet in the classroom, never really participating. when we had group projects, I was picked last while everyone else got with their friends. My story of bullying isn't as bad as others or as extreme. In 8th grade, I was diagnosed with Chiari Malformation type 1. I was diagnosed in November. I was taken out of school and had a tutor come to the house because I couldn't go back to school before my brain surgery in February. Rumors were sent around that I was pregnant, that, that's why I wasn't there. Nobody cared besides my family. When I finally went back to school at the end of April, I got teased, laughed at, and started at because my head was shaved from my surgery. Everyone started as I walked through the hallways. I was the freak. And it was okay for everyone to laugh at me. I'm 19 years old now. And you know what, does anyone really know what being "popular" means? Yeah you have a lot of friends, you go to all the dances and games and ect. But to me, "popular" is just a word. At the end of the day, we are all human. What defines us is not what we wear, who we sit with, what we look like. But still, people do. And it shouldn't be like that. I don't like labels or definitions or whatever. So you're a "popular" so what? who cares? Do you think it's cool to shove that kid into a locker just because you felt like it? Or constantly call that girl fat because she doesn't look like you? Who gave you all this power to stand there and bully others? No one. You have NO power. The ones who stand up for what's right and speak up against bullying, THEY have the power. The voice. and together we make up an army that is unstoppable. No words, no shoves, no bullying can tear down the wall we have of people standing up against bullying. Together we make the difference. To everyone out there, always remember YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I love you. I think you're somebody. I think you're beautiful. I stand with you. Sending my love and hugs to everyone around the world xoxoxoxoxo
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