Hi there, Im from a small town in Washington state. My bullying story is pretty simple, I was popular all the way through elementary when I entered middle school hormones kicked in and my body developed before everyone else. I began getting teased and picked on because I looked so much older than everyone else. I became depressed and began over eating and gaining weight, which in a small town everyone notices. I was called names like "fat cheerleader", "cottage cheese thighs", "mama rolls", and even "that thick thang." Admittedly, they weren't that creative but nonetheless it still had an effect on me. As middle school progressed things got worse, so eventually I started hanging out with the "emo kids" because I felt like if I was hanging out with people who seemed worse off than me I would feel better about myself. Soon enough the depression began to take over, I began self harming and what they now call bulimaerixia (bulimia and aneroxia combined), I went from 192 to 150. I got into high school and things got worse, I was called a "slut","whore", "skank", "c**t", "b**ch", and many more. I had text messaging rumors about me saying I had sent bad pictures to guys, im a slut and should go kill myself. Well after I had continually heard that, I was going to. I was 3 days from taking my life because I had planned to do it when no one was home, I had gotten into a fight with a girl and it caused me to be sent home for a day. My mom had found out all that had happened, she decided to move me to a new school which didnt help because the school was only 5 miles away. My sophomore year I went to school and didnt talk to anyone, my junior year I focused on schooling and was an outcast, now Im a senior and I am a freshman in college. I graduate in 41 days. I never have really "gotten over" what everyone has said about me but by focusing on what I know to be true of myself and not listening to others opinions of me, it has given me the strength to do something amazing with my life. Keep living it. I had one teacher at my new school who noticed that I was getting bullied and he helped me bring up my grades and make friends with others who care. Bullying is one of the worst things people go through, not only physical but mental and emotional too. Its a shame that people are dying because others are too afraid of the ridicule to stand up for them. They dont have to be getting hit to be "bullied", getting called names I think is worse because bruises heal but having your self esteem be demolished all due to the fact that someone wants to be mean is ridiculously hard to overcome. I am proud for all of those who keep going when they're getting bullied. I believe in you and I love you! Stay Strong <3 The future is worth it. :)
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