School The Bully

I am the mother of a bright, intelligent, seventeen year old teenage son. It seemed to be the reason that he was bullied so severely in his school Districts. The school was the Bully in his case. The school bullied him because they allowed the students and some of the Administrators, Teachers, and Staff to Bully him as well. He has been bullied for the past 9-years at the various schools that he attended. He was beaten by students to the point he suffered contusions in his eye, back, shoulder, and feet from elementary, through high school. Even though these beatings, name callings, just plain intentional Bullying were performed in the front of Teachers, and Staff nothing was done. He was simply moved to another school, with damaging notes from other teachers following him. They tried to make my son a 'self fulfilling prophesy' of negative behavior, they wanted him to feel hopeless, and give up. That was why they allowed the bullying and abuse. He alone was blamed for these incidents. Most of the students who bullied him were Administrators and Teachers children. He has spent a great deal of time in the Emergency Room as a result. Teachers, and Administrators would ask me one question, "Why Is He So Smart?" as if my son who asked them questions, and loved Education was a problem for them. Some of the teachers have hit him, Yelled at him, would humiliate him in front of peers, and at one point a Principal followed him home on the school bus yelling at him all the way. By the time my Elementary aged child arrived home, he was so afraid, that he had to be taken to the hospital. I fought by filing complaints with the Superintendent, Education Agency, and Civil Rights Department, but nothing was none to stop the Bullying or Educate my son in a Safe School. I tried to keep him in school, but it was unsafe. The day he came home, once again sad, rejected, hurt, and stated, "mom I can't take it any more, I am just going to be what they want me to be a thug, cursing, fighting, and whatever they want," was the day I brought him home. He was fifteen years old. He is now in Home School and about to acquire his GED, because I will not trust the school system with his life, or education anymore. He has been Flying Airplanes since I took him out of the public school system at age 15! He builds robots, computers, legos bionicles, Welds, and plays Chess. The School was the Bully in our case, and in many of these cases across the country. As parents we must confront the Administrators, Teachers, and Staff who allow our children to be Bullied, and who bully our children themselves. They place all type of bias information in their records, and they send each other notes that cannot be tracked to further subjugate particular children, and isolate them from the other students. Causing children to have low self esteem, and other problems in their lives. I would like to create a project in our city, in other to confront these types of issues, and would welcome help from the outstanding Bully Project.

Ms. Hattie McGill Mother of Perry McGill

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