Real Bullies are Evil people

Real bullies are evil people who have a problem in their mind  that they think they have to harm others and keep them down if the bully is to survive, real evil bullies are psychotic or crazy but most of them hide it real good so that it is hard to see them for who they really are, evil people. The thing to do is expose the evil bully any way you can and report their crimes and harm they cause others.  There are only 2 or 3 evil bullies in a group of 100 people but these bullies have "friends" who help them carry out the evil and harmful things they do. About as many as 30 people out of 100 people will help or go along with an evil bully person. If we were to remove these 2 or 3 evil bullies from the group of 100 people the 30 or so people who helped or went along with the bully would no longer act like a bully too. I am sure you all know that a bully has his "friends" who are around him or her who go along with the evil and harm the bully seeks to cause his or her victim. I know because I have been bullied. Remember to point out the evil bully and do something to bring justice to the real bully who is using other people to do his or her evil works of harming others. We will all get better if we all work together to stop these evil bullies and make the world a better place. I am here to work for a bully free world. By doing things together to expose and bring justice to these evil bullies we will all live better lives, gay and straight.

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