please, read carefully

Please, read carefully and with open mind to an honest critic.

Everyone critices bullyng; but parents, the organizations and, in general, the whole society is responsible of that. To everyone is easy to complain because a teacher, a bus driver, or even a law officer, who makes a call to a child in order to correct it, is beyond its boundaries. I agree with child education and respect for them in this society, but even a father is at risk when is correcting their own childs in public. Honestly, children has no more respect for adults, because everyone say them that no one can disrespect them, and adults are unable to correct them at the precise moment when they make the fault... because they are candidates to a demand. A young human sometimes is not capable to distinguish between education and disrespect, and, sometimes, they confuse reeducation with violation of their rigths. Every parent complain when their child is corrected by other person, and every parent complains when no one corrects other child which abuses of others.

Think about that please, and make adjustments for the good of childhood.

Honestly, a person who really cares of childhood

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