My name is Kimberly Clay. I currently live in the city of Chillicothe Ohio. My son who is now 12 years old has been being bullied for the past 2 years. It started when we first moved here 2 years ago and my son joined the Jr Deputy program. This group of kids who lived in our neighborhood began calling names such as snitch. They kept making fun of him for being a jr pig. Soon after they began twisting his arms, punching, kicking, spitting on him and saying hateful mean words to him. He quit the Jr Deputy here thinking and hoping that it would all stop. It didn't. It got worse. He began getting choked, burned with lighters and shot with bb guns. I tried to get it to stop every way I could think of. I went to parents, who didn't seem to care because their kids would never do that. The police wouldn't help because they were minors and children will be children. I tried contacting Children Services and the juvenile courts here. No help. My son now has scars on him where he was cutting on himself trying to release the pain and hurt. He describes it as each cut has a pocket of pain underneath of it and you cut it to open it up and release that pain. I was so distraught. How could my kid be doing self harm . Soon after that the boys began coming to our yard to taught and abuse him. I was lost so I had a talk with him that night as I cuddled him and watched a movie. He then informed me that he didn't want to be here anymore. He wanted it to just all stop. I prayed and I cried and I explained to him that killing himself would only cause more pain to so many others around him who love and care very much for him..Now he has started a group here in Chillicothe ohio. He has taken a pro-active route. He is speaking out against bullying at several events and he is even meeting with the mayor and City COuncil to see about getting some serious laws put into place for children who bully. I'm proud of him for this and This horrendous part of life he went through is now turning into a happier ending than what I thought it would be. He's even gotten the media involved to support him and get his story out.
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