Justice For Jeremy Now

Jeremy's Story
Our son Jeremy almost died at age 7 from a bullying act at his elementary school that caused a skull fracture and multiple brain bleeds. Mercifully, he survived his ICU stay and the craniotomy he needed for treatment. We are lucky he is still with us today, and we are grateful that he continues to live a full and joyful life despite this incident.  www.facebook.com/justiceforjeremynow . Thank you for all of those who have shared their stories with us, and have reached out with encouragement and support. 
Denial of any bullying by parents and school
The parents of the other child and the school district has decided to blame my son and a pencil for his life threatening injuries, to protect themselves from liability. This further victimized my son, and leaves my family with open wounds. We've learned from the stories of others that that these wounds do not heal without repentance, or hope for divine forgiveness. Painfully, their continued denial of our incident, and of similar prior incidents, enable the continuance of further bullying behavior on their campuses. 
Raising awareness in a community and government not yet ready for change
Because of the unchecked power of the school district, they are able to continue institutional bullying against families and teachers to protect their self interests. From the national and global responses we've gotten from our media coverage, we've unfortunately realized how often this type of bullying occurs. It is disheartening how resistant many public school districts are to even wanting to acknowledge or address the problem of bullying. The fight against the systemic corruption of the public school systems is hard, and too often fruitless. But we will try and do what we can civilly, politically, and legally to hope for change. 
Individually this is impossible. We need to embolden the few who have been harmed by bullying to help raise awareness among the masses. We want to clearly show how damaging bullying is to our society. It often is the root cause of mass shootings, racism, domestic violence, sexual abuse, addiction, bigotry, political gridlock, socioeconomic oppression, and injustices of all forms. 
Of course the other avenue is prevention. The earlier the intervention the better. Helping build the foundation of mutual respect among our children, and empowering all our children with self-respect may be the best, and maybe only way, to cure the cancer of bullying for future generations. I support efforts to bring anti-bullying programs to preschool and elementary levels. 
We want to do what we can to overcome local hurdles to bring anti-bullying education to Arcadia schools, and promote a more humane community locally.
Fostering a community of upstanders to stand up against the few who abuse their power over others
What is so sad is how few upstanders there are to fight this problem. On the surface it seems so easy for the majority of people who are good and kind-hearted to be able to stand up against the few bullies that ruin it for everybody. Instead, the majority has let ignorance, apathy, and fear let this problem grow out of control, and permeate into all aspects of our society. 
Thank you, The Bully Project, and all it's supporters, to be present here, and to gather those of us who are fed up with the inhumanity. It is time to figure out together how we can rid ourselves of this plague, and act on ways to promote our collective healing. 
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Monster they created

I became aware of bullying consequences by a story shared from a family member. The day after the San Bernandino Masacre a police officer got a call about a gunman on a school bus. When the officer got there on the side of the road, he ordered every one off the bus and to place there hands on the bus and do not move. The first child the officer searched had a handgun in his book bag. So he arrested the 13 year old boy and placed him in his police car. When he asked the young teen why he was bringing a gun to school, the boy replied he was sick of getting picked on and that he did not want to hurt anyone but he just want to scare people to leave him alone. This story just made me realize how serious bullying is.
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It needs to stop

Hi my name is Mamie. I have a 12 year old daughter name Emma. She has been bullied for 3 years now. It all started in the 4th grade. She had so many friends but they turned on her. They started calling her names and threatening her. She wasn't letting it bother her until it got worse. She started coming home with bruises up and down her spin from where they started kicking her in her back. We went to the principal and he wouldn't do anything about it. Once she started the 5th grade, the bulling began again. This time, it wasn't just students, it was also teachers. Still, the principal wouldn't do anything about it. Her father and I had decided to send her to a different school. She started the 6th grade. At first it was good but then it all changed. She is still being called names and she has also been threaten. It has got so bad shat she has stopped doing eveythings she loed. She quit cheerleading, she quit girl scouts and she has also gave up on her school work. Her father and I have been trying everything possible to get something done about it. But it's like nobody wants to help.
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The bully

My name is Katelyn, im here to tell my story. To give myself a voice. Which everyone should have. In sixth grade, I moved outta town with my parents and knew i was going to a new school. It was really scary thinking about it. Because at my old school, no one liked me. I was the loner, the one everyone hated. So my first day, at a brand new school, i walked in the doors, and just as i was about to ask for my locker combination.. These two girls walked by me laughing, saying "oh look, the new girls in town, watch out everybody". I just walked it off and didnt let it get to me. So as the days go by, it was still happening. So im gunna make this short, but ever have a time where you just had enough so you go to an adult you trust and tell them whats going on? But say, why dont you stay away from them? Well its kinda hard when they follow you and kick and punch you and call you mean names. Ive always been bullied. I never felt safe at school. Id always be hit, slapped, punched, kicked, called every name in the book. Even stabbed with sharp object. Bullying sucks. I dont know why people think its cool. When really it hurts people and sometimes it costs a life. Like does someone really have to take their own life for people to realize that its wrong?? Its horrible to think. But to all the victims of bullying out there, your worth everything, thats why your here in this world, you ARE loved by many. You have a voice, and by giving a voice, you can make a different. To help one or many people out. I believe in all of you❤️
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Karen: Look its mia the DAT kid! (Throws paper at her) Mia: Please.. Stop... Stephanie: Yeah! what are you gonna do about it ?! (Mia ignores them) Karen: (Scoffs) See! Your just a worthless piece of junk. TEACHER: So today class we are going to talk about the cleanliness of our classroom , we all need to work together and clean our classroom so we won't be the dirtiest classroom is that clear ? All: Yes Ms. Garcia. Teacher: OK so I am going to dismiss all of you early so you could have an early recess. Random student: Thank you miss !!! Teacher: OK, you are all dismissed. (Mia gets her food but Karen and Stephanie pushes her food) Mia: What did you do that for ?! Karen: You don't need to eat food anymore, your already fat, loser. Stephanie: Yeah! Your a fat loser Mia, that's why no one likes you!! Mia: Why are you doing this!? I have never done anything to you !! Karen and Stephanie: Whatever... ( and classes went on until dismissal) Teacher : OK don't forget to review for the quiz next Thursday!! Good luck!! (Mia was fixing her things and stayed at the classroom to wait for her driver ) ( and all her classmates went down) Classmates: Bye MIAA!! Mia: bye.... ( all of her classmates went home and she checked her status in her phone while waiting for her driver) In her status said: Briella: You know you shouldn't be in this world, you are a mistake!! Bella: Yeah how could your parents even stand your face, you are so ugly!! ( mia had tears in her eyes and she cried) Mia: I really don't get why they bully me, I'm just a normal girl just like them..... It hurts.. ( then she wiped her tears away and her driver called her then she went home) The next day.... ( second to the last subject) Classmates: why do you look so sad today mia?? Mia : its nothing, I'm just really tired... Classmates : OK.... ( the bullies came) Karen and Stephanie: oh look!! Its mia the fat dummy!! ( mia ignores them ) CHARLENE: why are you ignoring us huh?!?! You scared(mocks her) your such a baby!! Mia: just leave me alone. Bullies: (scoofs) Scared cat... ( the bullies leave ) ( dismissal) Classmates: have you heard Karen and Stephanie have new members in their group...... Here they come..,. Look! ( mia turns around and looks scared) Karen: WHAT ARE YOU LOOKIN AT HUH !??? Stephanie: Yeah! Do you want to be part of the group ??? ( mocks) ( group laughs) anyways this is Briella and this is Bella. So don't even try thinking about defending yourself, we are much more STRONGER THAN you. Mia: OK..... ( group leaves) ( mia follows the bullies group and is curious what they do when school is done , but then she sees this) Karen: Byes guys!!! Stephanie, Briella,Bella: Bye take care!! Briella: OH! And don't forget to do your assignments you always forget to do them. Bella: OK ! Bye my bus driver is there .... BYE!! Karen: haha! OK bye take care!! (She then looms very worried) ( then someone gets closer to her ) Bullying Karen: GIVE ME YOUR MONEY YOU FAT UGLY LOSER! (pushes Karen) Karen:fine, here take all of it !! Bullying Karen: I'm not yet done with you yet ....!! (Kicks her and pulls her hair ) Karen: STOP !!!! PLEASE JUST STOP !!! bullying Karen: Your so pathetic!! (Then she leaves karen) ( then mia looks if the bully is gone ) ( then she looks at karen, and Karen cries) (mia comes closer to her) Mia: here (lends her hand) Karen Why are you helping me ?? (Takes her hand ) Mia: because I know how it feels to be bullied.... ( helps her and leaves) (Karen is guilty )
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I Hate(d) Myself

My name is Chris, I just turned 16 on October 30th, 2015. I'm a sophomore in HS. I found out I was gay in the 6th grade, but kept it to myself. I was a diabetic and everyone called me fat and made jokes throughout the year. When they don't know shit about it. My father left my family for someone else when I was 7 years old. The bullying started in 7th grade. People would call me stupid, fat, make fun of how I looked, how I talked. I kept it together though. I walked through the halls, ignoring the things they all said. I had maybe 1 or 2 friends, who I kept these things from. I never told my family. I pretended everything was fine. But it wasn't. I went on through Middle school and into my freshman year. Where, surprisingly, the bullying stopped. For the most part, people left me alone. There was still 2 or 3 people who would say things and do things, but that was it. Then I told my two best friends that I'm gay. They both took it differently. They both said they didn't feel that way (Not like i did). Both said that they were fine with it. Except, the difference, One was telling the truth, the other wasn't. One avoided me for about 4 weeks. The other flat out told me there was something wrong with me, said to never speak to him again, and then he started telling others, trying to get them to hate me too. After they all started believing it, I started to too. I thought, 'What the hell is wrong with me?'. I withdrew from people, I started to cut myself. I started to take pills. Starting with one pill a day, then moving to a whole weeks worth a night. I figured I'd wake up either really happy from the pills, or I'll never have to wake up again. Both options sounded good to me. The text messages rolled in. Telling me how I need to end it. Calling me names. I finally broke down. I started crying and was curled up in a ball in the shower with a razor. Adding 30 more to my arm. Then my other best friend texted me. He found out about everything. The cuts, what others were saying. He told me there was nothing wrong with being gay. He told me that it'll get better. I don't know why, maybe it was just because those words came from him, but I believed them. I threw the blades away. I started trying my hardest. Standing up for myself. I'm still fighting this today, my old best friend still makes it his goal to hate me, and make sure I know he does. I still get the texts. But I have my best friend still, along with others. So, I'm working through this. 

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I thought I really was worthless

My name is Alex and I am currently 17 going on 18 years on on February 15th 2016! I started recognizing my being bullied in 6th grade, people would call me names they would say I was fat, a loser, a freak, a weirdo, and as my middle school years went on so did the names and as I grew the bullying grew, by 8th grade I was being called lesbian which for my time was shamed upon, I was being called a whore and a slut which being I am going on 18 and haven't lost my virginity I would say I am definitely not. Though I actually knew I was non of these things it all being repeated got into my head and I started to believe it, because of this, I ended up self harming by 8th grade and by 9th I was also starving myself, making myself get sick, and trying to end my life. No one knew about it till my sophomore year of high school, in high school I was being told I was worthless and that no one would care if I died and that I should end my life, and added physical bullying also. I'm glad I got found out because I did get help and though I am still bullied I know better what to do about it and have the abilities I need to deal with any of it. Now I have friends and recently participated in a pageant which really I used to signify to myself that all of this is really behind me for good and now I couldn't be happier or more confident in myself. It has been a struggle, yes, has, thought will never fully go away but that can also be take as a good thing too, i am stronger then I have ever been before and with all of this now in my past I can do so much more now and I am so excited for what lies ahead for me! I partly thank my bullies because if it wasn't for them then I wouldn't be anywhere close to as strong as I am now if I hadn't gone through all of what they put me through. Though not saying bullying is good and I will always stand with the kids being bullied and do my best to help them, I do think there does have to be some kids that have to be put through the tests of bullying so they can be like all of us here and help generations to come. 

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Hey You Yes You

This attached video applies to every young addult women that hides all thier pain by going out to clubs!
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No reason

I move to an army base half way through the year of gr.4. It was fine, I made friends and had a good time. It made my move away from friends easier. I'd never been bullied before until the start of grade 5 is when my hell began. I remember being at a friends place and I climbed into a tree. Nicole stole my shoe and refused to give it back while calling me names and it continued this way for years. She had developed her own little gang of friends to tease me. being on an army base there was no safe place to catch a break. They were everywhere and always took the chance to tease me. cry-baby, small feet, and loser were names I frequently heard. Eventually they started taking to hiding my shoes while we were in gym class so I always left a few minutes early so I could find them. One year Nicole was next to me for lockers and she would open her locker all the way so her door covered mine and I couldn't get in. What made everything so hard to deal with is I had no teacher to help me. No one to stand up for me. My parents tried, but to the school Nicole was a perfect angel, teachers pet, and had even said they heard word I was bullying her! I had a lot of sick days because there were days I just couldn't get the strength to walk out that door knowing I was going to be teased in some way. I was going against almost an entire class by gr.7. Out of 27 students only 2 were my good friends and there were about 6 others that didn't get involved in any way.

I was also dealing with being verbally abused by my dad. I was being called stupid, told to wake up and use my brain, bonehead. I was feeling suffocated and trapped. My mom started seeking help for me when I would come home crying everyday after school. It helped to have someone else to talk with, but it didn't solve any of my problems. They still kept going with their bullying. I just couldn't continue being with that class anymore, my marks in school were bad, but I kept being pushed ahead. In gr.7 I asked to be kept back and I ended up with a better group of kids, but I still had the run ins with Nicole and company. Sadly I ended up with a bully teacher that year so it still was hard, but I couldn't wait to to get to gr. 8. There was a new teacher and I would see him disciplining Nicole from time to time. It was obvious he could see through her. And when I did get him as a teacher he was as great as I thought he would be. He understood how difficult math was for me and let me take a special course to help me during that period. For that one year I had a break during the day from bullies. I loved gr. 8.

Gr. 9 I started high school in a town off the base. Unfortunately it's where Nicole and some of her group ended up. They had made friends with the popular group...my hell was back. I had food thrown at me on the bus a couple times. I'd taken to sitting by myself, headphones on so I would have to hear them. Best thing about failing a grade was that they were in none of my classes. I ended up making lots of friends and I guess they would have been considered punks and goths. Good people and I was never bullied when I was with them. They accepted me as me even though I didn't dress like them, they didn't care. I ended up getting a new nick name is school that I didn't understand why I had. The most popular guy in school who was friends with Nicole (and not gonna lie, he was hot) started calling me a stalker. It was a small high school and they always sat in the main hallway, so it was no wonder that I ran into them often. I cried plenty, not understanding why I was picked on. I never did anything to them.

I think I finally reached my breaking point when I thought enough is enough when a couple girls I didn't know called me cry baby as I walked by. I wasn't even crying! I wasn't doing anything except walking to where my friends were. They just sounded stupid calling me that. I ended stealing me nerves and gave my number to the popular guy in school and told him to call me. When he did I asked him if he could get his friends to leave me alone, I wasn't stalking him and i just wanted to be left alone. With his attitude I thought it didn't work, but I did notice a decrease in the bullying. So I guess it worked a little. I moved in the summer and began gr.10 in a different city. I wasn't bullied at all there. It almost felt like my old school before I moved to the base, but scars were left.

To this day, I'm now 29, long after I've graduated I am still nervous when it comes to meeting people, especially other girls, but I'm slowly improving. I have since dealt with the odd bully in the working field, but now find I'm able to handle it better and my bosses help when I need it.

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It Can Get Better

I was the slow, fat kid who had to take the mandatory physical education class. Each day, I finished last in running and was picked last for the teams. No matter how hard I tried, I never seemed to get faster, stronger or more coordinated. I was thrown naked from the locker room on one occasion. On another, the others tried to put my head in a toilet until I yelled out for help (after that, I was teased endlessly about calling out). The PE coach didn't help matters by making fun of me as well.

No girl would date me. One even asked, "Who could ever love you?"

Each day, I'd go home, hating who I was and wondering why I had to be so different.

After I graduated high school, I had trouble getting my life in order until I took charge of my own life and happiness. I saw what my weaknesses were and worked to overcome them. I realized that nobody was obligated to make me happy and I'd have to take care of that myself. I learned to like myself and eventually love myself. 

That turned things around.

I did a stint in the Air Force which got me into better physical condition than I'd ever been in my life because those around me encouraged me rather than deriding me.

I went to college and got a degree in physics. 

I got married to a fantastic woman and had two great kids. Our house is filled with love and laughter.

What had once been obstacles became challenges and I managed to overcome all of them.

When I went to my 20th class reunion, I saw the people who had made my teen years so miserable. But I didn't feel anger. I felt pity. So many of them were working jobs that made them miserable and were married to people for whom they demonstrated no real love. 

Instead of wondering why I was so different, I rejoiced knowing that I wasn't like any of them! Their lives would have drained the very soul out of me. My life has been full of adventure and joy. And it continues to be that way every day.

It might be tough for you now but if you follow your dreams and do what makes you happy, it will get better for you. It'll be hard work but if I can make it, so can you. 

I believe in you.

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