Ever since I was a kid I never had a ton of friends. I was always different. I have been overweight my entire life. I also was the little girl who got dirty & played with Hot Wheels then ten minutes later I would be playing dress up with my Barbies. I was involved in dance for seven years & you want to know how many friends I gained? I only had one. I don't even talk to her anymore. Throughout elementary school all the way to high school I struggled to create the person I wanted to be. I felt so alone & as if nobody understood who I was because they couldn't get past my appearance. They acted as if I was a virus & steered clear of me. Don't get me wrong I had a tight knit group of friends, but I was still bullied from other people. Even as an adult now I get bullied by other adults & complete strangers. Why? I have no idea why what I look like is bothering them so much they need to make a point to tell me how they feel. I'm struggling even now to understand people. When I turned 18 that's when I changed my attitude. I do not care what strangers think of me. I'm changing my life for me & nobody else. I'm 22 years old & I am strong. I've been through a lot in my life & I don't need anyone telling me how to live or criticizing me. I have three beautiful nieces & two amazing nephews. I haven't been there for them as much as I should have & they are all going through so much. Bullying has been a part of their lives. They don't know completely of what I've gone through & it's time they know they are NOT alone. I'm going to do everything I can do help stand up for people like me & anyone who has been bullied. We will be united.
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