No where to turn to

it all started in 3rd grade. I started to get bullied because I was chubby and a little taller then the others. they use to call me names like 'fatty' tubs-o-fun' and other names like that. As the bullying progressed, the people I thought were my 'friends' started turning on me and joining in on the bullying and they started calling me all those names that the other people were calling me. it was horrible. I had no one. I was pretty much a loner at that point. as 4th grade, 5th grade, and 6th grade came, the bullying got even worse and then they started calling me names like 'bitch' 'stupid' 'ugly' and other names and it name me feel even more worse then I did before. I never told my parents about it because when I tried telling them. they would brush it off and act like nothing is wrong with me. I've tried going to the school about it and they did absolutely nothing about all the bulling going on. so then i started cutting myself. as i got into middle school things got rough but i managed to stick it out, even though I barely had any friends. When 9th grade came, the bullying got really bad for me because I was going through a gender identity problem and they would call me names like 'ugly' 'fatass' 'fatty' useless' 'dyke' 'lesbo' 'worthless' 'emo' 'faggot' 'go kill yourself' and many more things, until one night I had enough of all the torture and i tried committing suicide by over dosing. I thought that if I did it, all the pain I felt would go away and I could finally be a peace and at rest from it all. But my stepdad found me right before i lost consciousness. After all that and 10th grade came around, the bullying continued but I got to the point where I don't care anymore and you can call me any name you want and it won't bother me anymore because I realized they're just insecure about themselves and maybe they have some serious issues of their own. But all I can say to the people who have or still are thinking about suicide, It really does get better. You have to trust me on that. It truly and honestly gets better. the bullies are at their peak of power at 15 and 16 and one day they won't be powerful and the bullied people will be.

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