My Story.

Well, I guess you can say that I'm your regular teenager that seems happy. But in a way, I'm not. For the past 8 years, I've been stuck with the same people and the same bullies. It sucks, it really does. Over the years, these people have become a lot more cruel and self centered and it has gotten out of hand. I'm one of the victims of these bullies; I've been harassed many times by the same people every single year. People spread false rumors about me, push me around in the halls, attack me on the internet, etc. They don't realize it but it actually hurts. Mental scars remain in my mind because of the things that they have all done to me. Being bullied is not taken very seriously, and everyone thinks that its a joke. But it's not. People need to notice that bullying is a serious thing and can affect anyone's life, just like how it affected mine. It sucks being bullied. Honestly, after all these years of being picked on, I've become a lot more sensitive. Even the slightest comment someone makes about me, it feels like a stab to the heart. THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK. Please. 


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