My son is a wonderful, kind hearted young man, his smile will brighten any day!! He has always loved school and last year that changed and I ask everyday how was his day and it was good or ok, then I would just get shrugged shoulders. I asked his younger brother and he didn't say anything. So I would call the school and they said they didn't notice anything. Well the day came where he cried and refused to leave the house, I asked him what was wrong and he cried and cried and told me not to make him ride the mean bus anymore! So I called my job and I stayed with him all day, that night he smiled and said mom, thank you for staying with me! Now my son has ADHD, and aspbergers, and some other things that are still being worked out, but I couldn't understand why we had such a drastic change. I had talked with all my kids and told them that their hands and feet belong to themselves and that there was never to be name calling or mean things outta there mouths. Well a couple weeks went by and they didn't get better. Well my son came home and I saw writing on his legs, I asked how that happened, he said he did it. It was to perfect for him to write it, and he couldn't have wrote it right side up, while standing up. Well i had friends ask and he wouldn't say, finally I sat down with him and said no matter what happend or who ever did it, he wasn't going to be in trouble and I promised it would stop and never happen again. Well he told me everything from kids on the bus beating him up, to kids telling his younger brother to beat him up and tease and mock him to kids at school sitting on him and writing on his legs and I asked what the bus driver or teachers did, he said they were busy and didn't see it. So the next day I called my work and told them I had a family situation and wasn't going to be able to come in. I took both my boys to school, we sat and visited with the principle, teachers and the bus driver and owner of the bus company. It was a long talk, and then I went to every class room and talked with every teacher and made sure that they watch every kid and make sure they watch for changes. The rest of the year was so much better, he improved on all subjects and loves going to school. I make sure now that they watch for other kids and make sure they tell a teacher if they see something! This year my oldest son got a note from another kids parent thanking him for helping there child not be afriad to tell the teacher if there being bullied!!! We as parents need to make sure our kids and teachers are all on the same page and not to be afraid to speak up if something isn't right! !!
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