I am a college student and while away my family moved from Delaware to Virginia. My younger brother were starting new schools. One was going to be a freshmen and the other a 7th grader. My youngest brother seemed to fit in and make friends really easily. He was adapting well. My other brother seemed to not be adjusting too well. My mom noticed something up with him and tried to ask what was up.. he said "I'm fine mom don't worry." It was not until early November that he got in my dads car one day after school and just broke down. He admitted to being bullied by the older boys on his lacrosse team. For 3 months my brother left the house everyday with his head up and a smile on his face only to be bashed and felt like nothing by people on his own team. During workouts after school a few of the boys got done the workout early and were waiting outside the the weight room for everyone to finish.. my brother was one who had finished early. The older boys were throwing the ball around when it had dropped and rolled into a storm drain. They looked at my brother and said you're small enough go get it. They lifted the lid off the drain and put him down there. They then proceeded to put the lid back on and jump on the drain and call him names. They then left him in the drain and went back to workouts. My brother had to lift the lid off himself, climb out, and went back and finished his workouts. This putting my brother down the drain became a game to them. During games they would tell him if he did well or scored that would get him put in the drain. They would physically drag him out of workouts while he was begging them not to and put him in the drain. My parents, after finding out went to the school... they did not help. My mom went to the police and they helped barely at all. The two main boys were suspended for 5 days. My mom asked that the team learn about bullying and by standing but they said that was unnecessary... knowledge is key i believe. My parents spend almost two months trying to get justice with nothing in return. My brother ended up having to switch schools and start all over again. He was the victim and shouldn't be the one that has to do something. The bullies should have been more disciplined and the school should educate the students on such a horrid thing. I am disgusted with the lack of knowledge this countries schools give their students as well as staff on how to prevent, stop, and tell someone about bullying. Something needs to be done.
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