Hi my name is Celeste and i am 16 years old. Bullying started for me in preschool. It was really bad for me. Kids would call me names like fatty, stupid, ugly, dumb, loser, geek (even though i was really one later in high school) and many more, this was mostly in preschool. Once i started in kindergarden it kept getting worse as i grow up. The words would be meaner, the way the treated me was bad and i had little to no friends. Due to all of the bullying i started to cut myself. It went on for awhile until it came to the point where i wanted to commit suicide. When it came to that point i gave up. Everything seemed fine to everyone but i wasn't. When i got into middle school it got even worse. People would call me fat ass, slut, whore, stupid ass, big titties, and so much more that it is so hard to think of them. As it continued the cutting got even worse and the thoughts of suicide and the amount of attempts increased until one day i said ENOUGH. I finaly took a stand for it and told one of my teachers. That teacher told the counsilor about what was happening to me. My counsilor started talking to me and asking me what is going on and i told her and she did something about it but it still continued. Wen my counsilor gave up i decide that i would go straight to the Vice prinicpal and talk to him and he helped me a lot. Each time someone tried to bully me he was always close enough that he could hear it and he would scold the kid(s) in front of the whole school. But unfortunitly it didn't stop until i went to the principal and with the help of the principal, the vice principal and the counsilor it stopped. When i went into high school it started to happen again. I was told before going into high school that i would have to deal with it on my own and that no one at the school would have time for me. But i did prove that wrong. As i got bullied in high school i was still cutting myseelf and having the thoughts of sucicide but the attempts did stop but it was still happening.As the first semsiter went on i unfortnitly i did attempt to commit suicide and i went into a menal hospital and i did get help. When i went back to school i had a lot of staff calling me up to their office and asking me why i didn't go and talk to them before it got so bad. My answer was " I was told you guys didn't care, that you guys had too much on your plate with all of the other students." They told me that is not true, that who ever told you that was trying to harm you mentally. I was very grateful to the staff at my school for telling me the truth. Now i am Bully free and you can too.
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