My Daughter K...

My daughter started her senior year this school year with the highest hopes of an amazing senior year, those hopes were quickly diminished. K began dating a boy in July and what she didn't bargain on was the fact that this boys ex-girlfriend was an extremely jealous evil individual. K was working her job at a local mall when the ex and two of the ex's friends came in and seen her.....they began to point, take pictures and ridicule her, when K left her job that night the word "slut" was written on her truck in red lipstick.  School started and these girls plus several of her other friends would call her "whore, bitch, slut" point and laugh whenever she walked by them, this was all brought to the schools attention as they have a very strict zero tolerance policy when it comes to bullying but nothing was done and in fact it was made to seem as though K had brought this on herself.  There was a text message sent between the ex and K's boyfriend where the ex admitted to writing on her truck because the twins she was with didn't like K and neither did she so she wasn't going to say no. This was brought to the schools attention but because it happened outside of school there wasn't anything they could do.  These three girls began to talk about K and the incident on twitter, K responded to the twitter post with "grow up". K was called into the office at school for participating in a "twitter" fight...when I pointed out to the administrator that she simply responded with "grow up" I was told that was perceived as egging it on and that if they disciplined the other students K would be disciplined as well for her participation. In the next few weeks the bullying continued in halls at school in the classroom but it was all verbal and couldn't be proven because K's friends would hear and see it and when administrators asked the other group of kids they all said "no we would never do that" it very quickly became a game of he said she said. The end of October things escalated and went from name calling, pointing and laughing to our home being paint balled several times in broad daylight and her truck being vandalized in the school parking lot during school hours. Again the school did nothing, they were made aware of every incident that happened....a white substance mixed with carmex smeared all over her vehicle, pizza smeared the entire length of her vehicle, trash dumped into the bed, and the name calling continues. The ex and her friend who is a male would block the hall during passing so my daughter would have to stop and go around while they would laugh and point calling her a bitch and a whore. The schools solution was to move K's parking spot to another area, I was so angry that even though my daughter had done nothing they wanted to move her, I said absolutely not! The ex had found a way to manipulate everyone including the school, there was a boy that got work detail for the pizza incident and he happened to have a class with my daughter...he walked into class after being disciplined laughing and saying what a joke the school was (we would later learn that this boy did not vandalize my daughters truck it was the ex that convinced him to do it because she didn't want to get into trouble). There were Instagram posts created about my daughter and these kids saying if she didn't like what was being done to her she could "nut up and scrap" yet nothing was happening to these kids. K's truck got egged the end of October and I sent yet another email to the school begging them to enforce their zero tolerance policy concerning bullying along with my fears that the situation was escalating and I was now afraid for my daughters safety. Twitter posts about her going on and still nothing from the school, these kids seemed untouchable. K was an emotional wreck and couldn't understand what she had done to these people to make them hate her...having to continually pick the pieces of your child up off of the floor because some other humans could see no value in her is devastating to a is emotionally exhausting as well. Every night as I lay in bed I wondered how much time do I have left to save her? When will this become too much of a burden for her to bare? All at the expense of a mean girl and her gang of friends and a school that can't be bothered.  November 2nd in the middle of the night I awoke to the sound of what I thought was 2 gunshots in my home, I was panicked as I raced downstairs to make sure my children were safe and in one piece.  What we found next was shocking, some evil individuals had created homemade bombs and thrown them at our home. We called our local police department, they came out filed a report and could not believe our situation we were in or the lack of discipline from the school. I again fired off another email to the school letting them know that if they hadn't already talked to these parents about what their children were participating in at school they needed to because they were all about to be investigated. The investigation went on and nothing was able to be proved as the liquid in the bombs was acid based and it ate away the bottles that the liquid was in. The name calling continued along with dirty looks and now the ex was tailgating my daughter, parking right up next to her in the student parking area as well as following her around.  The week before Thanksgiving I demanded a meeting with the ex's parents, the school told me that's not normally how we do things...I pointed out that their way wasn't working as this had been going on for 4 months. Friday November 22, 2013 K, my husband, myself the ex and her mom sat down with one of the school administrators quickly we realized that this mother knew nothing of what had been going on, after a little prodding the ex admitted to the name calling and blocking K in the halls..she claimed she knew about the other stuff but it wasn't her. The school administrator said that if the 2 girls couldn't work through their differences she would move both of their lockers because they were in close proximity to each other, again potentially punish my daughter because they have not been able to control the situation or apply discipline to these bullies. The ex's mother was visibly upset that her daughter had treated another person this way....but it didn't stop it continued. During Christmas break the ex's male friend and another girl found my daughter where she worked and sat in the customer area and made fun of her and ridiculed her while she helped customers...these kids were told by management that they were not allowed back in the store. K stopped telling us what was going on because it didn't matter nothing happened to these kids, the school was no help, obviously my husband and I were no help....she was alone fighting this battle against people that didn't care about her at all.  Second semester started and much to our shock K and the ex were in Government class together!!! Talk about pouring salt into the was explained to me that K could switch classes if she felt it was an issue but the ex had no other we are again moving the victim. In mid January the administrators stopped K in the hall to ask how things were going, when K hesitated they called me with her in the office because at this point I had instructed the school they were not to speak to my daughter without my husband or I present in some capacity. I told them of course she hesitated! She is still being called names and pointed at and ridiculed by the same group of kids. My daughter takes community involvement which is located in the elementary school next to the high school the ex does not have classes there yet every day will drive over to the elementary school tailgate her all the way or cut her off to get in front of her and flip her off.  I was informed by the administrators that the ex was no longer allowed in the student parking at the high school because she was spinning snow at K and her friends and another student informed the school administrators of this yet the ex continued to park where she wanted in the student parking with no repercussions for not following what she was instructed to do. In February K had enough and decided "I'm not hiding from these kids anymore" when the ex and her bullies flipped K off she flipped them off back, when the ex and her bullies called K names she stood her ground and asked "what the problem was".  I was called into school after the ex went in and told on K for flipping her off, as K explained to the administrators "I didn't do it first it was only after she did it to me".  Spring break started and K went on about her life and then she got a phone call from a friend saying the ex and her group were looking for K because they were going to kick her ass. Then a very strange thing happened the ex's guy friend Facebook messaged K apologizing for treating her so bad for the last several months, K also started receiving text messages from an untraceable number saying they were going to beat the crap out of her.  The first day back to school after spring break K took the printed out apology from the ex's guy friend in to show the administrators along with copies of the threats because something definitely didn't feel right, the administrators actually said to K "why would he apologize to you? For months he has been saying he isn't involved and nothing has been happening to you?" I was extremely proud of K she responded with "I don't know why any of them are doing any of what they are doing".  The next day I got a phone call from the school and I could here K in the background crying hysterically, they informed me that the ex had went and filed a stalking order on was denied but the judge set a hearing because she also asked for a long term order and wanted to hear all of the evidence.  Another huge blow to my daughter, luckily I have pictures of everything, screen shots of a lot of the things said, the police report from the bombing, and statements from other students that witnessed K being bullied by this girl.  Just last night she received another anonymous text message saying "We stopped for awhile but you started it back up, we're never going to stop and nobody can help you" I just hope it's enough to clear my daughters name and get her some justice.  The hearing is two weeks away, I know they say hindsight is great but honestly there are a lot of things I would do differently, I would have been more aggressive with the school sooner, I would have taken out a protective order on the bullies...I wish I had done a better job of protecting my daughter.

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