My bullying story...

U guys really help me. But the problem is, I still keep getting harassed. It all started when I was in 5th grade...

I was at the school play ground and there came a girl.

She said "Excuse me, Rachelle (my name)."

"How do u know my name???" I reply.

"Because I'm in your class, dummy."

I knew right from that moment, that I was being bullied.

I tried to move on after that scene.

Summer begun and I had a blast. Celebrating me going into middle school. It was perfect. Well, as so I thought.

When I got to middle school, I went to my first class. The teacher did roll call. When the teacher got to me, she said my name wrong. I corrected he. I moved on after that. At first people said my name wrong on accident. But later on, people started saying my name wrong on purpose. All just to annoy me.

After months of this torture, the school year finally ended and I went on to 7th grade. I thought the bullying was over after that. Well, I was wrong. In gym class, some random girl pushed me against a gym locker. The following day I just put my head down at lunch thinking of pills and suicide. And I'm still thinking of that to this day no matter who is reading this on what day.

Please take a stand for bullying and tell and adult right away.

Please don't end up like me, not telling an adult and now all alone and shy. :'(  


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