My brother is now 26 years old, and is finally living the life he has always deserved. As a child my brother has always been very smart. He had to be given more advanced work in all of his classes. He was nice to everyone, played hockey, played baseball and had a great group of friends. Once he entered middle school all of that changed. Kids soon started calling him a fag, loser, and other names. One day this bully slammed my brothers head into a locker. He was hurt bad. The boy only got 3 days in school suspension because he was a foster child. Soon my brother began to have sezures. It was already bad enough that he was being bullied before but now because of the sezures it was worse. He then started having them in school. The kids started calling him a freak and that he should just die during one of them. My mother decided that she would pull him out of school and home bound him. Well soon graduation was coming and my brother still held a 4.0. As my brother was getting ready to take his final exam to graduate the principal said he couldnt graduate because he didnt spend the time in school like the other kids did. My mom took it all the way to the board and fought with them for weeks. She made a difference and my brother graduated! I love my brother and he went through a lot. I was lucky enough to be taking out of the school district I was in and the bullying stopped for awhile but it is in every public school in America. I hope that one day that, for future generations they wont have to deal with bullying.
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