Love one another.

Going through school I didn't have a ton of friends. I was pretty shy and I never really felt like I 'fit in'. It wasn't always aweful, but I remember being comepletely crushed at times and thinking that things were never going to get better or change for me. I got called horrible names, the guys that everyone wanted to be friends with would actually prank call me and at times the things they would say honestly made me cry. I hated high school for that reason. It was hard to get up and go in the mornings. Last year a beautiful, funny, incredible girl I knew gave up and took her own life because of bullying. The sad thing is this happens more than we think. The reason I want to get involved in the bully project is because I want to prevent this from happening to anymore young kids, because the truth is is that you have so much more ahead of you. You have a wonderful life written out for you and you never need to give up or feel like there is no one that cares. Please guys, think about the actions you take and the words you say to others, because truth is words hurt and you have no idea what that person may be dealing with. Always think about something before you say it. It should never be your intention to hurt someone else. We are all equal and we are here to love one another.

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