Hi my name is Makalie. I grew up in a normal family. I always had a smile on my face and all I wanted was to be happy. It all started in 3rd grade, when the people I thought were my friends turned on me. From there on out I was made fun of for my weight, skin color, the way i dressed, any imperfection they could find. It got so bad I refused to go to school, missing 2 to 3 days a week. In 5th grade I was pointed out for being the fattest girl in school. I started to eat less and less. I tried so hard to fit in, but nothing seemed to work. I thought I could have a fresh start in middle school.. I was wrong. It just got worse. Girls got nastier. Boys got ruder. I was called so many names that now they have no affect on me. And I was told I was a waste of space. I'd come home crying everyday. Just wanted to sleep and never wake up. With all of this happening around me I became distant with my family. I started shutting out everyone in my life, until it was just me and my thoughts. One day I came so close to killing my self. Right before I was about to I looked in the mirror and a thought went through my head, 'I'm here for a purpose. I just haven't found that purpose yet.' I got help and now I am on the right track now. I realized that we all go through this for a reason. Going through this made me a lot stronger. You have a purpose. And you are always loved. <3
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